“Datoo - Dating Platform (Android) ” Documentation by “Angopapo, LDA” v1.0.7

“Datoo - Dating Platform ”

Created: 06/02/2020
Updated: 24/06/2020
By: Maravilho Singa
Support: https://www.angopapo.com/support/

Thank you for purchasing Datoo - Dating Platform. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form, email or support Thanks so much!

Table of Contents

  1. Setup Firebase ( Analytics, Crashlytics, Monitoring and Push notifications )
  2. Setup Agora.io ( Calls and Live Stream )
  3. Setup Google Geolocation ( Google Places and Maps )
  4. Setup Facebook and Instagram ( Facebook Login and Photos, Instagram Photos)
  5. Admob Setup (Google Admob)
  6. Setup Backend ( Parse Server with Back4app.com )
  7. Setup Google Play API ( Google Play In-app purchases)
  8. Import project
  9. Application Setup and Google Login
  10. App Customization

A) Setup Firebase - top

Datoo - Dating platform uses firebase.com for Push notifications, Monitoring, Analytics and Crashlytics

Angopapo support

Go to Firebase developer console and Create a project.

  1. Click in add app
  2. Choose android
  3. add your desired app package
  4. Register an app and download a .json file. Save it for later use

B) Setup Agora.io - top

Datoo - Dating platform uses Agora.io For Calls and Live Stream

With Agora.io you have FREE 10.000 Minutes / Month for Calls and LiveStream

Angopapo support

Follow these steps to Get Agora API key

  1. Go to Agora.io
  2. Sign Up or Login
  3. Create new Project
  4. Go to Project setting and Get App Id. Save it for later use.

C) Setup Google Places - top

Datoo - Dating platform uses Google Places API to search for locations in filter.

Angopapo support

Go to Google Cloud Platform Console. Login or Signup

  1. Click the project drop-down and select or create the project for which you want to add an API key.
  2. Click the menu button and select APIs & Services > Credentials.
  3. On the Credentials page, click Create credentials > API key.
  4. The API key created dialog displays your newly created API key.
  5. Save it for later use and Click Close.

The new API key is listed on the Credentials page under API keys.

REMEMBER: Restrict the API key before using it in production. Check how to fo it.

D) Setup Facebook Login and Instagram Photos - top

Angopapo support

Datoo - Dating platform has Facebook Login feature and Instagram photos

a. Facebook Setup

Go to Facebook developer Login or Signup

  1. Select Facebook Login product and click the Set Up.
  2. Select Android as the App platform.
  3. Add key hash for release and debug. *
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. Copy facebook_app_id and fb_login_protocol_scheme the Save for later use..
  6. Request permissions user_photos, user_birthday, user_gender, user_location and the Save

* You need to Generate Key hash for facebook Login to work.

b. Instagram to get User's instagram photos

  1. Select Instagram product and click the Set Up.
  2. Go to Basic Display.
  3. Scroll Down and Click in Create new App set name and create
  4. Set App Name and Save
  5. Copy Instagram App ID and Instagram App Secret the Save for later use.

E) Admob Setup - top

Datoo - Dating platform uses Google Admob to show Ads and Rewarded Video

Angopapo support

Go to Admob developer Login or Signup

  1. Click Apps in the sidebar.
  2. Select App or Create new.
  3. Click the icon in the App ID column
  4. Copy the ID of an app.
  5. Save for later use

Now create your ads for Home and Rewarded Video

  1. Click Apps in the sidebar.
  2. Select the name of the app you're creating this ad unit for. ...
  3. Click Ad units in the sidebar.
  4. Click Get started.
  5. Click Select for the Banner or Rewarded Video or Advanced native ad format
  6. Enter a name for this ad unit.
  7. Save and get ID
  8. Now, sabe ID for Later use

F) Setup Backend - top

Datoo - Dating platform uses Parse Parse has backend, for more information about it, click on the link.

Angopapo support

You have several options on how to get Parse Server as BaaS or install your Self-hosted Parse Server

1) Cloud Services: There are several companies offering Parse Server.

2) Self-Hosted: You can install Parse server in your own Hosting Provider. Required NodeJS

The tutorial is about Back4app.com if you want to work with any other, you need to do it yourself, hire developer or pay installation fees

G) Setup Google Play Purchases - top

Datoo - Dating platform uses Google Play Payments to charge users who needs to purchase extra features or credits.

a. Setup Market API KEY

  1. Go to your Google Play Developer Console (Google Play Publish)
  2. Select your application in the list or create a new app
  3. Go to Services & APIs
  4. Copy YOUR LICENSE KEY FOR THIS APPLICATION and Save it for later use.

b. Setup In-App Purchases

Datoo - Platform uses Managed and Subscriptions in-app purchases, you can use your rules butwe recommend to follow our rules.

Consumable: 100 credits, 550 credits, 1250 credits, 2750 credits
Subscriptions: 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months

Create your in-app purchases to and save their ProductIDs for later use

  1. In-app Products
  2. Add new product
  3. set the product id and type (Managed or Subscription)
  4. Fill the form and set the price you want and Save.

You need to create products individually, remember to save all products Ids for later use.

H) Android App Import - top

Datoo - Android was developed with Java for Android, for that you need Android Studio

Angopapo support

  1. Open android Studio to Import Datoo
  2. Click on Import Android Studio project
  3. Extract and Navigate to datoo_android folder
  4. Click in OK or import

Wait for Android Studio to load setup all files and dependencies.

I) Application Setup - top

Angopapo support

Do you remember this word Save it for later use ? if yes, then everything you saved it's now time to use them

First go to res -> strings.xml and change bellow values from ones you saved before

  1. Change your app_name: Your desired name
  2. Change your facebook_app_id: Your facebook App ID
  3. Change your fb_login_protocol_scheme: fb+ your facebook app ID
  4. Change your google_api_key_geo: Google Places API key
  5. Change your gcm_sender_id: Firebase Sender ID and Project ID
  6. Change your admob_app_id: Admob App ID

Now go to app -> Config.java and change bellow values from ones you saved before

  1. Change your SERVER_URL: Your Parse Server URL
  2. Change your LIVE_QUERY_URL: Your Parse LiveQuery URL
  3. Change your SERVER_API_KEY: Your ParseApp API key
  4. Change your SERVER_CLIENT_KEY: Your ParseApp CLIENT key
  1. Change your AGORA_APP_ID: Agora Project App ID (Agora.io)
  1. Change your INSTAGRAM_APP_ID: Instagram App Id
  2. Change your INSTAGRAM_APP_SECRET: Instagram App Secret
  3. Change your INSTAGRAM_REDIRECT_URI: Instagram Redirect URIs
  1. Change your HOME_BANNER_ADS: your ads unit Id for Home
  2. Change your REWARDED_ADS: your ads unit Id for rewarded video

You also can change CREDIT_100, CREDIT_550, CREDIT_1250, CREDIT_2750 and SUBS_1_WEEK, SUBS_1_MONTH, SUBS_3_MONTHS, SUBS_6_MONTHS if you used your own Products Ids.

When you change the package name, please double in AndroidManifest.xml and manually change any old package name reference, especial for Parse Push Section

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this Android version of Datoo - Dating Platform. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this source code. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the Apps, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the "Item Discussion" section.

Datoo - Dating Platform

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